The Third Annual Friends of the Ward Church Days FUN-raiser is coming August 16 and 17. There will be an art opening on Friday night, and activities all day Saturday, including food, a silent auction, music, children’s activities and more.
This treasured historic building, dating to 1894 and memorialized by a Georgia O’Keefe painting is the heart and soul of Ward, offering space for classes, community events as well as religious activities.  The funds raised go to the maintenance of the building and special projects. With the money from 2012, we are replacing the front doors and painting the outside trim, among other projects.
Every year we create a poster with the artwork of a local Boulder County artist depicting the spirit of the Historic Ward Church, its activities, and/or the surrounding Indian Peaks area . This year we’re having a contest. Click here for the Call for Entries. Here are the last 2 years’ posters:  Â