Friends of the Ward Church Days
2013 Friends of the Ward Church Days coming in August.
The Third Annual Friends of the Ward Church Days FUN-raiser is coming August 16 and 17. There will be an art opening on Friday night, and activities all day Saturday, including food, a silent auction, music, children’s activities and more. This treasured historic building, dating to 1894 and memorialized by a Georgia O’Keefe painting is the […]
2012 Historic Ward Church FUN-draiser
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone there. There will be barbeque pork sandwiches, green chili, vegetarian red chili, beer, soda, a silent auction, lots of art work, local arts and crafts, a historical exhibit, Living Pictures, and music by Gipsy Moon, Blue Mountain Jam, the Wardettes, Bear, Blair, and others. In order to maintain the […]
Friends of the Historic Ward Church Days
Friday, July 22, 2011, 7:00pm-9:00pm Local Arts and Crafts Exhibit Opening Wine and hors d’oeuvres reception Music and Poetry with Deleana, Burt Rashbaum, Mike Parker, KayAnne Pickens-Solem Saturday, July 23, 2011, 11:00am-5:00pm Local Arts and Crafts Exhibit /Sales, Historical Exhibit, Living Pictures, Silent Auction Music and Poetry with Mary Russell, The Wardettes and others Bake […]
Friends of the Ward Historic Church
Built in 1894, and vigorously protected from the fire in 1901, the Union Congregational Church of Ward is one of the oldest and best-loved buildings in Ward. It began its life as a Congregational Church with all of the democratic implications of that denomination. It lost its way for a time but with the support […]
Friends of the Ward Church Days
Put July 22-24, 2011 on your calendar – The Union Congregational Church of Ward is throwing a party to raise money. Please help be a part of the planning. If you see an activity below that you’d like to help coordinate, please call Becky (3333) or use the contact form Friday, July 22, 2011, 7:00pm-9:00pm […]
Friends of Ward Church Day
July 23rd First Planning meeting: April 2, 2011 11AM Refreshments will be served